Keep track of the
things you own!

A Simple App to Make it Easier to Own Your Stuff

It's easy to add, track, compare, organize, repair, post, call, complain, tweet, learn, and manage everything you own.

Visual Data Capture

It’s easy to add products you own to your Ownit Stash! A few pictures is all it takes to identify most of the products in your home or office. A product photo, logo photo, and UPC or serial number.

No, it won’t work on your dog…

Auto-Filled Information

Ownit then takes your pix, and automatically adds all the product information! Quick access to social feeds, manuals, photos, phone numbers, videos, and much more!

No more tedious thumb-typing!

Important Owner Links

Where’s the owner’s manual? How do I contact support? What’s the manufacturer’s Twitter handle? Do they have a Facebook page? Are there any instruction videos available?

One click to get the info you need!


Visual Data Capture

It’s easy to add products you own to your Ownit Stash! Ownit takes your pix, and automatically adds all the product information!

A few quick pics

A few pictures is all it takes to identify most products.

Use your phone to shoot the product, logo,

and UPC or serial number.

Auto-filled product information

Ownit uses visual product recognition to identify

your product and automatically add all it’s owner data.

No more tedious thumb-typing!

Important product information at your fingertips

The things you need to have access to about the things

you own, all in one easily-accessible place.

Information you need

Where’s the owner’s manual? How do I contact support?

What’s the manufacturer’s Twitter handle?

Are there any instruction videos available?

Whenever you need it

The result makes it much easier to repair,

replace, resell, reuse, or recycle the things

that you own—all from your mobile device.

Just by taking a few pix!

The better and more detailed your photos, the better and more detailed information will be added to your Stash.

Take great photos, and get great information.

Who wants to type in all this information? So why not just take a few photos and have all the info you need right in your phone?


Need a way to quickly gather information for your insurance company?
Ownit is perfect!


Collect antique toys and just need a way to keep a visual inventory?
Ownit does it.


Don’t want to have to remove your flat-screen TV from the wall to get the serial number?
Nothing easier.

What info does Ownit keep track of?

• Brand
• Product Model
• Product Category
• Model Number
• Serial Number
• Phone Support
• Twitter Support
• Product Documentation
• Support Website
• Purchase Date
• Own’r Value
• Receipt Photos
• Google Search
• YouTube Search
• Notes
• Date Added

All fields are also editable, so if you don’t like the information that was auto-magically added, you can change and add as many detail as you want.

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